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How can the COMfortel D-Series automatically retrieve an XML mini browser?

The COMfortel D-Series is able to display information and also dialogues with the user via the mini-XML browser.

In order to achieve a specific browser call, e.g. via http request, the Lua script "minibrowserAutoStarter.lua" must be uploaded to the telephone via backup.
. Alternatively, the script can be inserted into the provisioning file.

In addition, a token for authentication must be provisioned:

Insert between "authTokens".

<token>here is the secret token inside</token>

There are some scripts available in the appendix for use.

Test call e.g. browser:

https://IP-Adresse of the phone/api/v1/exec/listenForMinibrowserTrigger?AuthToken=here is the token in it&url=http://Adresse where the XML is/to be retrieved XML
Example mysteriousToken &url=


Download PDF (German) for setting up the messaging interfaces for the COMfortel® IP-DECT system and the COMfortel® D series via COMtrexx® autoprovisioning